Monday, July 9, 2012

Let's Start a Cross Promote Community!

Mostly all business owners want their company to grow into being very successful.  There are so many business owners trying everyday to grow sales, and get more blog hits.  The one issue that I am seeing a lot of is the lack of wanting to help each other in business.  Yes, we all want to make money but sometimes it shouldn't always be about a dollar.  There are some charities that all they do is just give back to the community, and they probably see more money per year than a national retail store.

I wish that people would understand that there is enough money for EVERYONE if you are willing to WORK HARD and get it.  If you know someone who has a successful blog site and you are trying to establish your product, just ask if they would be willing to do a giveaway to help you in promoting.  I really would like to start a community where we help ourselves and each other succeed.  I am looking for some help with this, even if it's just a Facebook page to cross promote, I think that it would be beneficial to all small business owners.  With all the search engines and ads, social media is probably the quickest and FREE way to put your company out there.  Just think, if you have 5 other business owners who post your product or your link on their site, that is a possibility of reaching 5 totally new markets that you didn't know you had!  I may not be the best blog writer but one thing I do know is the more people that see your product, the more chances you have at making a sale.  If it costs you $0 to help a business owner wouldn't you love for the favor to be returned?  In the end, if you could grow sales 20%-30% in a month for FREE would you do it?  Yes, you would.

Want to help create this cross promo community, find Purple Candied on Facebook:

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Thanks for reading! :-)

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